march 29th worship service

Thanks for joining us for our second-ever online worship service! It is certainly strange to be apart from one another, but we are grateful that we have a way to continue to share in praising God & learning from His Word as a community. We invite you and your family to follow with the service below.

Order of Service:

  1. Announcements
  2. Worship
  3. Sermon
  4. Offering
  5. Closing Prayer and Benediction


  1. All church activities are cancelled until further notice. This includes all Bible Studies and Sunday Morning Services. Stay in the loop by checking the COVID-19 Response Page
  2. Need a Bible delivered to your mailbox this week? Email Correna at
  3. Do you or someone you need groceries or other essential items delivered? Please contact Correna and we would love to help out with that.
  4. It takes less than five minutes to set up recurring donations to NewLife! We ask that all members of our NewLife family consider how they can financially support the ongoing ministry of NewLife during the pandemic. Click HERE to give. Cheque and cash can be dropped off at the church on Mondays 9 - 4.
  5. Our Little Library is open Mondays 9 - 4. Come borrow a book!
  6. Our monthly e-newsletter comes out this week! Subscribe HERE.

Joy in Trials: James 1:2-4

My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything. 


Click HERE to worship along with our praise playlist for this morning. 

  • Rescuer: Rend Collective
  • Way Maker: Leeland
  • The Way (New Horizon): Pat Barrett
  • Christ Be Magnified: Cody Carnes


Open your Bible to John 14 and follow along as Pastor Mike continues his series: Who is Jesus? The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Mike helps us understand why Jesus calls himself the way, the truth, and the life, then he unpacks what this means for our lives today. 

We encourage you to dive deeper into this passage by checking out the corresponding Bible Study Guide, available below under Resources. 



By giving to our general fund, you are supporting our mission and ministry. Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we share the hope and peace of Jesus Christ with our community.

Click HERE to contribute a one-time or recurring financial contribution to NewLife Ministries. 

Other ways to give:

  1. E-transfer: Send to, send password for transfer to
  2. Cash or cheque: Drop off Mondays 9 - 4 at the church. 

Closing prayer and benediction

Closing Prayer

Our Heavenly Father,

This week, we as the family of NewLife Community Church, come to you in prayer. We ask that you be with those who are sick. Please heal and comfort them. We lift up all healthcare workers in prayer: may you protect and strengthen them. We think of those who are especially vulnerable to disease. Please let this sickness pass over them, and show them how to ask for help. We pray for those who are unemployed at this time. Please provide for them through their families and communities. We also pray for our national and local leaders. Please give them the wisdom to do what is best for all. We also think of students and families at this time. Please give them patience and discipline. Finally, we pray for churches. Please show them how to best show the love of Christ at this time. Amen.


Romans 15:5-6

Now may the God of endurance and comfort give you unity with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.