Frequently asked Questions

What do Home Groups do?


They meet in a home for informal fellowship, study of the Bible, prayer and reaching out to others.  Many of our groups use material from RightNow Media, or recommendations from one of the pastors or other home group leaders.  We encourage all groups to study the Bible, to pray together, to have fun and to find practical ways of stepping out and serving their church and community.


When do Home Groups meet?


Groups meet on different days and times throughout the week. Most meet weekly, some might meet every other week and the potential is to meet monthly.


What About Groups Meeting During Summer and Christmas?


The beauty of any small or mid-sized group is the ability to be flexible in scheduling events.  Most groups will take a break over Christmas and during the summer.  Some will have to make adjustments for busy times of the year.  There may be occasions to meet more than once a week.  Some groups can choose to run throughout the entire year.


What Do Small Groups Do With Small Children?


There are groups that include families with children. Some groups include their children as part of their overall group approach. Some provide children’s activities during the study and prayer time. Some share costs for a babysitter.


Where Do I Begin?


We encourage all our groups to be open to newcomers, so each group should have a welcoming culture.  Once a group has been meeting for a period of time it may be challenging to integrate newcomers, in that case, we would most likely attempt to start a new group for newcomers who want to be a part of a group.  When existing groups are not at a good place for accepting newcomers, the best alternative may be to start a group with pastoral support, made up of individuals and families you invite as potential participants.  NewLife makes it a priority to have pastoral support available to assist in the start-up process and to provide you with resources that put your group on a healthy footing from the

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