Thanks for joining us for our June 14th Online Service! Here's what you'll find below:
NewLife Kids Services
- The team at have been creating some great Church at Home videos for families everywhere to use! We're sharing these videos for our NewLife Kids to learn from and sing along with during this season!
Announcements | Worship | Message | Communion
- Katie takes a moment to share from God's Word, and highlight some information about what's new at NewLife these days! She also introduces our newest staff member: Elijah Dela Cruz!
- Elijah shares a scripture reading and prays for our community.
- Pastor Mike preaches his eight sermon, Overwhelmed in the Wilderness, as a part of our series, Moving Through: Following God in the Wilderness.
- Shauna leads our community in a moment of worship and then we'll join in taking communion together.
- We try to make online giving as simple as possible at NewLife. Simply follow the link in the 'Offering' section below to partner with us. Thank you in advance for your generosity and faithfulness!
Closing Prayer
- Let's pray to end our service together.