We invite you and your family to follow along with this online worship service from home.
March 22nd online worship service
1. All church activities are canceled until further notice. This includes all Bible Studies and Sunday Morning Services.
2. Stay in the loop by checking the COVID-19 Response Page on our website.
3. RightNow Media: To access please e-mail Correna.
4. Give online by clicking HERE.
5. Read along with our theme verse for this season: Psalm 121.
Click HERE to worship along with our praise playlist for this morning.
-This is What We Live For: Big Daddy Weave
-Your Love Awakens Me: Phil Wickham
-My Hallelujah: Pat Barrett
-Christ Be Magnified: Cody Carnes
Open your Bible to John 15:1-17 and follow along as Pastor Mike as he continues his series,
Who is Jesus? The Seven I am Statements of Jesus Christ with the fourth sermon: I AM the Vine.
Dive deeper this week by checking out the corresponding Bible Study Guide, available below under 'Resources'.
Click HERE to head to our online giving page to make a one-time or recurring financial contribution to NewLife Community Church.
Other ways to give:
1. E-transfer: Send to giving@newlifecommunity.ca, Send password for transfer to office@newlifecommunity.ca
2. Cash or cheque: Drop off in person on Mondays at the church.
closing prayer and benediction
Closing Prayer
Numbers 6:24 - 26
The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you;
The LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.