APril 5th worship service

Hello, friends! Thanks for joining us for our April 4th-5th weekend online service! Let's praise and learn from the Word of God together. Here's our service order:

  1. NewLife Kids Online Service
  2. Announcements & Message
  3. Worship
  4. Offering
  5. Closing Prayer & Benediction

newlife kids service

This Sunday, we don't want to forget about our kids, who are just as valuable to God and to us! We've been looking for a valuable online resource that parents will feel good about sharing with their kids in lieu of their typical Sunday mornings together in NewLife Kids.

The staff team at LifeChurch.tv have created some great online kids' services for families that we think you'll love! There are two video services below for two age groups.

They have also created a great Kids Bible App that corresponds with the videos: check that out HERE.


  • Families, talk about what God's grace and forgiveness mean, and celebrate that Jesus is alive! 
  • What the 'Prop Talk' about the cross.
  • Follow Emily as she learns from the story 'A Happy Sunday'.
  • Memorize the Bible Verse Romans 10:9, and answer the question, "How can I be God's friend?
  • Download the colouring sheet here: 33-AHappySundayColor.jpg


  • Families, talk about what it really takes to "be a good person": God's grace! 
  • Dance along to three great worship songs!
  • Watch the Bible story "The Fall".
  • Memorize the Bible verse Romans 6:23.
  • Play "I Never Ever" together!

announcements & message

Announcements: Director of Communications Katie Smallhorn

  • NewLife Runners: Contact our church office if you or someone you know needs something delivered!
  • Your giving still matters! Give online HERE or send an e-transfer to giving@newlifecommunity.ca
  • Our April NewLife Connect e-newsletter just came out this week! Miss it? Subscribe HERE.

Message: Lead Pastor Mike Nedelko

  • Open you Bible to John 11 and follow along as Pastor Mike preaches his final sermon in the series: Who is Jesus? The 7 I AM Statements of Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Mike walks us through the story of Lazarus' death & resurrection as we prepare our hearts and mind for the coming story of Jesus & the cross.
  • We encourage you to take a deeper look at this passage this week by downloading the Bible Study Guide that Pastor Mike has written for this sermon, available below under resources.
  • Don't have a Bible at home? Follow along HERE. Please contact the church office at office@newlifecommunity.ca and we will deliver a Bible to your doorstep this week! 


Worship along with our praise playlist below:

The Way: Pat Barrett

Yes I Will: Vertical Worship

I Know: Big Daddy Weave

It is Well: Bethel Music

It is Well With My Soul: Audrey Assad


By giving to our general fund, you are supporting our mission and ministry. Thank you in advance for partnering with us as we share the hope and peace of Jesus Christ with our community.

Click HERE to contribute a one-time or recurring financial contribution to NewLife Ministries. 

Other ways to give:

  1. E-transfer: Send to giving@newlifecommunity.ca, send password for transfer to office@newlifecommunity.ca
  2. Cash or cheque: Drop off Mondays 9 - 4 at the church.

closing prayer

Compassion Canada has provided this daily prayer guide for us to join in prayer with fellow believers around the world.

For more of their prayer resources, click HERE.


May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Romans 15:5-6